Blog the Issues

Follow along and join in the dialogues, discussions, and experiences of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of Moravian College, Moravian Theological Seminary and the Comenius Center throughout the 2011-12 POVERTY & INEQUALITY | IN FOCUS thematic year.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

U.N. climate conference (COP17)

My son and are in Durban, South Africa attending the U.N. climate conference (COP17). The themes of poverty and inequality are front and center this year. If you are interested, you can follow our blog posts at:

We are being kept very busy, so we post as we can.

The first night here, there were extremely severe storms and flooding. The disparate impact of extreme weather events on the poor is described here.

Diane W. Husic, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Monday, November 14, 2011

Digging Beneath the Surface

Check out this video from TED (Technology Entertainment and Design). Richard Wilkinson, Professor Emertius of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham (U.K.), elaborates the dangers of how income inequality is bad for everyone, rich, poor, or middle class.

In the video, Wilkinson disassembles the United States' GDP to show how prevalent income inequality is in our society.

TED site:
